So yesterday I completed my 3 and by far my favorite 5k. It was called the Diakon Outdoor Adventure Challenge and I think I agree with all 3 descriptors. I don't have any pictures of what the course looked like- but lets say about 1/2 of it was pretty rocky, had some nice nature made obstacles and at one point we were litterally HIKING it. That being said, I loved every second.
I mean, who wouldn't running in an awesome backwoods area that looked like this??
My friend that ran with me did manage to take this fun picture of the group running up the mountain! I think it is super sweet even blurry..

What is even cooler is that we got to ZIPLINE after we completed the run and cooled off a little. I have been ziplining on a small thing a few years back, but here you had to complete a few little challenges before you got there. see below

So by this last picture I just couldn't wait to get to the end!! We did the middle/intermedicate course.. so there was one even harder, involving more "tight rope" walking action which I really wasn't into!! Needless to say, at the end of the morning, I was happy girl. Awesome weather, awesome run, and an awesome adventure with a great (even though we met my chance and only at the beginning of 2012!) friend. Something on my TO-RUN list next year for sure. This was their first year ever, had 147 participants between the 5k and walk and raised over $12,000 for the center. I am proud to have been able to take part in such a great event. Hope you all had a great running weekend!


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