Wonderful weekend run

It has been a little bit since I posted last. I have been so busy that some mornings I just don't make it up in time to run because I really need to let my body rest that extra 30 minutes to an hour. I know this sounds lame, but I have fought myself on this some weeks and I don't end up on top. As much as I love running and excercise, this time of year I have so many other projects going on and on my to-make lsit for gifts. This year has been so much worse for some reason and I am not complaining because I LOVE IT! Just cutting into my running and sleeping time (see http://ohscrapthat.blogspot.com and you will see what I mean!) Anyway- yesterday was absolutely gorgeous and I headed out on an almost 3 mile run, with .75mi of it being up hills! I figured since I have been a bit of a slacker I would as least kick my own butt with some hill mileage. Sometimes I run through this park that has this ridiculous hike-type climb that I discovered one day when I saw another runner run up it over the summer. After that I like to challenge myself every now and then to see how far I can run up before I feel like I might die. I took a few pictures and thought I would share. Definitely not the best, but still you can see how wonderful the weather was and it was definitely motivation for a nice day of hill running.


Another motivation for me was seeing something on facebook or pinterest (I forget which) saying:

" it is better to be at the top of the hill gasping for breath than at the bottom wondering what it might feel like to be at the top. "


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