
For a while now I have been recieving Runner's World's quote of the day. Sometimes I relate and hold onto the quotes and others I don't and delete them. I am going to try to use this blog as a place to record those that I can relate to.. so here goes the first one!

There is no better way to experience a place than to run it. You get to experience the deep crevices of an area, the senses beyond the visual, something you would never do if you didn't run.
Tawnya MacNeil, Runner's World Challenger

Why do I relate to this particular quote? Because, honestly its the darn truth. When we moved to a new town last summer I really got to know the area by running. Running here, running there, taking a left instead of the usual right.. to explore. I still do sometimes actually because I definitely do not claim to know all the areas of our town. It really is quite fun to say "I know where that is, I run by there all the time" when my husband doesn't know where something is :)


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