Monday's workouts

I was kind of at odds of what type of workout to do mostly because of my 8 mile (still shocking!!!!)run Sunday. I was trying to find something new, but I went back to the tride and true Don't wake me up- Body rock TV video. I do the 3 reps of this short video which might not seem like a lot, but it really is great for a quick workout on the days I don't run.

Before I did the above workout, I made sure to do my plank-a-day. Look how well I did!

Pretty awesome improvement I'd say. I think my body was just too spent Sunday after my run to really do my plank any justice. Anyone else working a plank day challenge?? What is your best time so far and how long did it take you to get there? So excited, I already feel my arms getting more toned... woopwoop! 

See ya Wednesday!! 


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