We will always

We will always look like ourselves. We will never be the model in the magazine. Let the relief of this wash over you for a second and enjoy the release of all that ridiculous artificial pressure you have been inflicting on yourself for years. Be the best version of you possible and stop beating the shit out of yourself. I started following Bodyrocktv on facebook and they just posted this a little bit ago. So much wisdom in this statement right? I think it is way too easy... especially in this day and age with all the technology and ease of sharing... to get caught up in what we want to look like, how we feel like we should look or the pressure to look a certain way. It is a relief sometimes to be reminded that we are who we are and not to compare ourselves to others. Sometimes easie said than done, sure, but certainly something to remember when you stare at that pro athlete and skip meals and double workouts to achieve it. Sometimes it just kills us and drives us further into the ground. Happy Monday


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