2017- a killer year for running
Can you believe that we made it through 2017 and here we are at the start of a new year full of new goals and possibilities? 2017 was a mixed bag for me. Running-wise it was fantastic, but other things not so much at all. Looking back at all of the things I have accomplished and all of the miles I have tackled make me feel nothing short of amazing. Incredible. Strong. BADASS. I wanted to do a quick run down of all the races I did this year. I didn't blog on all of them but I thought it would be fun. I ended up doing 18- YES EIGHTEEN races this year ranging from 1 mile to 100k (62+ miles) with a total of 1540 miles which is my highest mileage yet. So here goes, you ready?? 1. Squirelly Tail Twail Wun - 2/26/17, time 2:26:34. This was a super sweet, muddy race. The temperature was cold but not frigid and I had a course PR. I had so much fun and it was a great first race of the year for me. I plan to back in 2018 for year 4. 2. Chambersburg half - 3/11/17, tim...
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