Runner box prize

So I have recently been on the quest to eat better for my activity level and in that quest have stumbled upon some pretty cool box subscription services that let you try all kinds of goodies on a monthly or bimothly basis. Among them is The Runnerbox. Simple enough right? I entered a giveaway and totally snagged my first box free. I say my first box because I was considering signing up and even put one on my birthday wishlist for my family.

I took some pictures to share the wonderfulness that arrived in my mailbox.

I seriously died that there was a quote inside the box.. SQUEAL!! I am a huge quote lover and this was just an awesome little piece of inspiration.

 Look at all the awesome swag! Complete with a nice little note from the owner- Staci. So thought ful and even used my favorite color for a little bow!!

There are so many awesome samples in here that I cannot wait to try that I probably couldn't pick a favorite. I do have to say though, that I was beyond excited for the arm warmers that were included in this box. They have thumbholes, which I am also totally obsessed with for running gear. Shirts with these holes are life savers on days when it is not quite cold enough for me to wear gloves, but yet I still need something on my hands. 


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