Inspiration Thursday

How is it that this post seems to come around so quickly from week to week?

As for me, it has been a little bit of an "off" week for me. This is for 2 reasons.
1) After we came back from my sisters, allergies were killing me a little and, just in case it was a touch of a cold or something else, I didn't want to push myself and get REALLY sick.... because
2) I have a glow run 5k on Saturday night. I really don't want to be miserable for it so I am just taking it easy-peasy.

I did those few short runs over the weekend and did 2 miles today. Depending on how I feel in the morning, I might do a short (early) run because it is to be hot as heck!

I also have a run-date with a good friend (who I don't see nearly enough) in York for a 10-12 miles stint Sunday morning which I am UBER looking forward to.

Anyway, who is ready for some awesome picture/quote inspiration? ME!!

I'm so hardcore my workout clothes should come with a cape.
(haha yep, mine would say TT for tiny thunder. booya)

Fitness and Motivation by Lynda Rose

(well I do NEED my Garmin... haha.)

Ryan Gosling Fitness Motivation
(yes, Ryan, anything for you.. lol)

(make success the only option.)

well, now that it is Friday (since I started this late) I will hit publish and hope that this kicks you all in the pants and gets you ready for another weekend and hopefully a fit one.


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