Run happy

At the beginning of the month I had my first run-date with my friend Amanda. Our story is a somewhat odd one being that we met through a common client while she worked at a county MHMR (now, MHIDD, thanks political correctness) while I worked at a local provider called CPARC (which I believe is still not politically correct as it stands for Cumberland Perry Assoc for retarded Citizens). Anyway.

So after our last run we decided to plan for another get together at the end of the month. Today was the day. The hot, humid, DAY. More humid than hot. But seriously.

I had decided we would run down to the river, run  along the river and then make our way back up. I guess I should have clocked this run a little more before, because she wanted to go 5+ and we sure did the + haha. 7 miles clocked as we ran up to the door. In my defense I am notoriously terrible at judging distances. OOPS! I had run this course (kind of) a few times previously, but didn't remember exactly how many miles it was.

It is definitely a nice challenging run and it is always good to mix it up. My foot, however did not totally agree. The weird side/top pain returned near the end. So time to be more serious about stretching/yoga/rolling again. It is really frustrating because it will feel totally fine for a week or so then BOOM.

Here are stats from today's run off GarminConnect. If I said I wasn't pretty darn happy about it, I'd be lying.

That is pretty much all for today. Nothing too crazy but I have been keeping up with running and trying to keep with long runs to an extent.

One side note is that we are officially at the 2 weeks to go mark for the Color Run Philly And we are just hoping for the best weather ever!!

Have a great #sweatpink week!


  1. it has definitely been extremely gross outside lately. I hope that changes so our runs get easier!


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