Spontaneous 10k

Yep, you heard correctly. Spontaneous 10k.

Seriously, who does that?  A few weeks ago at the glow run, my friend Gwen had mentioned  this 5k/10k race they do every year as part of Carlisle Summerfair. For those of you who may not know, Carlisle is the town where I grew up and lived until I was 23 years old. Lots of good memories in that town. Anyway. Gwen mentioned that the race was free and is always held the weekend after the 4th of July. I actually didnt think twice about it until the beginning of last week and decided to message her and get some more details..

Needless to say, I went back and forth over what mileage I was doing after my weird foot pain had made a reappearance after last weeks 7 mile long run. By the time I went to bed Friday, I had decided I would go for the 10k.

Saturday, I woke up at 6:30am, got ready, made a protein shake and headed out the door. Because this is a free race, they allow race day sign ups and sometimes the line gets long if you wait too late. So, Gwen told me she usually arrives around 715 to sign up and thats what I did. Sign up was simple- fill out your name and address along with your age and which distance you were doing.

Both races started at 8 and shared the first mile and a half. I ran with Gwen and this was pretty fun. The first water stop was shortly before the split and sadly my next water stop wasn't until close to mile 4.  Reality? Too far apart for my poor body. My instinct had been to bring my hydration belt and last minute left it at home. WRONG ANSWER. Never again.

I really don't want to sound like I am complaining.. I did have fun coming "home" and running this (free) race. It was a great way to force myself to both get up early AND get in my long run.

That being said, the only goal I really was reaching for was the run it in less than an hour (a far  cry from my under 54 minute 10k back in April) because it was hot and 74% humidity with the temp landing at at leasy 85  by the time I finished. Sadly, I didn't make it and I really think it is bbecause I was so dehydrated by the end.

Again, seriously not complaining. Just documenting.

Seriously, do Iook like I had a bad time? I mean I was dripping in sweat, took my shoes off after 2 sips of water, and couldn't drink water fast enough. 

  This was the route, a few loops and overlaps but a relatively shaded coursee (thank goodness!!) 

My splits and all that good stuff. You can see where I started to crash after mile 4. The water stop was nice but not enough for my body to keep chugginng. I kept finding people to run with for a few minutes to keep myself motivated to keep plugging along. 

Like I said, nice run. Might have randomly decided to do this but I am so thankful that I am fit enough that I was able to do such a thing. Not everyone is at that fitness level and not just anyone can. So for that I am thakful... 

well that and a free race.

Did you race over the holiday weekend??


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