One great run

A little earlier today I commented on someones blog and quickly realized its been a week since I updated. How did this happen? Well, I decided I needed to slow down a little in the evenings since things were about to get a little crazy. I am back to the swing of babysitting some kiddos one full weekend each month plus working a weekend once every other (about). Knowing I had two weekends back to back of these activities, I thought it would be best to just relax. I didn't have too much energy to spare so I did this very gladly last week and apparently everything else went by the wayside.

I still did workouts just not as much as I would have normally liked. Monday was rest day which I squeezed in 40 minutes of yoga, Tuesday was a hot humid, hill repeat kind of day, Wednesday was HIIT, Thursday I was supposed to get up to run 8 miles but thanks to a cell phone and alarm malfunction, I woke up at 8:30 to hear it thundering and pouring which meant I was going nowhere. I packed my gym bag and begrudgingly did 8 on the dready tready. It was rough from start to finish. The odd thing was that I didn't really feel that sense of accomplishment at the end like I normally do when running outside. I just wasn't feeling it. AT. ALL. But I definitely just trucked on through it and got it done.

Friday I had a modified work schedule so I didn't get up to work out. I took this as a rest day to recoop from Thursday's long run. Saturday was rest as well with babysitting- don't get me wrong though I did get some walk/jogging in while the kids rode their bikes to the park nearby and jumped on the trampoline (hello, cardio!)

Sunday was the real fun :) The kids I watch go to "prep" class at church from 11:30a-1p. This is perfect timing for a nice little jaunt. I dropped them off, parked in the lot, and took off. The weather was perfect and I started off at a pretty typical pace for me and just got better each mile. I don't know where it all came from but man did I feel accomplished at the end of this 4 miles. If I had brought my water bottle with me I probably could have gone further with all the OOMPH I found, but I didn't. Instead, I grabbed my powerade, and took about a 15 minute walk close by to kill some time waiting for the kids.

Yep, negative splits all the way. and a 5k PR at least according to my watch. I'd have to go back and see if it is an overall one since I haven't always had the watch. Either way, I was super proud of this run..not going to lie :) 

This week holds a run date with some TNT'ers tomorrow, and 10 mile long run. Of course with some cross training and other runs in between- but these are TBD at this point. 

Hope  you all have a great week! I will try to be better about posting, but no promises as I head into the second half of my 14 days of work streak. 


  1. Time does go fast, and slips right through your fingers before you know it.

    Congrats on your awesome run!

  2. Life happens! :) There are times when I realize that I've been so busy that I missed the blog post that I really WANTED to do. Then I hit a road block and forget about why I wanted to write it. I'm going to start jotting down all my ideas when they happen so maybe I'll actually get to those blog posts one day.

    Kudos to you for doing 8 on the treadmill! I don't think I could do it...I haven't ran on it in ages!


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