Sunshine Award

Danielle nominated me way back at the beginning of September (yep, I'm a bad blogger) for the Sunshine Award and I am so excited to share the answers to the questions she posed in an effort to know more about me.
Here are the rules:
1. Include award logo in a post or on your blog. 
2. Link to the person who nominated you.
3. Answer 10 questions about yourself. 
4. Nominate 10 bloggers to receive the award.
And here are the questions..
1. When is your favorite time of day to work out?
If you would have asked me a little over a year ago. I'd have said right after work- hands down! I needed to blow off a lot some steam every day. Now that I work 11-7:30p I am in love with my morning runs and I don't know how I would ever change my schedule. I get up usually between 8 and 9 and run my heart out, shower then head to work.  It just works!
2. What is something you never thought you’d be able to do, but you’ve accomplished in spite of the obstacles?
Well.. right off the bat... RUNNING!! I lied to myself for so many years telling myself (and others) that "my body wasn't meant to run." Biggest load of YOU KNOW WHAT ever. I started the C25K and never looked back. When I joined Team in Training this spring, I overcame the thought that I could never surpass about 5-6 miles without dying. Now I have run up to 12 miles.. and will conquer my first half marathon in less than a  month!!
3. Do you have a go-to splurge item (specific food, clothing store, electronics, anything!)? What is it and when do you have it?
Splurge item... I think I'd have to say this is usually shoes, craft items, or running of course. But like Danielle, I have a major sweet spot for scarves. Can't get enough!
4. How do you make time for yourself?
I am home alone 4 evenings out of the week so that is major me-time. Well, when I remember to. Of course my running/workout time is also big ME TIME and I wouldn't trade it for the world. 
5. Where would you live if money were no object?
My husband and I always dream of going to Australia. I think it would be SO fun to explore a different culture and majorly different area of the world... a girl can dream ;)
6. Who is your go-to person for advice when you’re trying to make a tough decision?
Depends what type of situation- but likely my mom, sister, and closest friends. Haha, I just realized how bad that sounds.. of course my hubby is in the running sometimes too, it just really depends on what it is about :)
7. What is the strangest food or fitness trend you’ve tried?
I tried mushrooms earlier this year. This might not seem strange to you.. but for me it was a ginormous step. My cousins bff made these amazing stuffed mushroom caps that my sister and I (who both HATE with a passion, mushrooms) both tried them and couldn't stop eating them. 
8. What are you most looking forward to in the next 12 months?
This is a good question. I am looking forward to seeing where my running might take me. I would love to do another half marathon and possibly a whole (GASP!!!) if I have a training/accountability partner. I already know I would have to the majority of the training either in the winter or fall. I am SO not a good summer runner. I do it but I feel like dying. 
9. What is your favorite childhood memory or family tradition?
My favorite memories are definitely our yearly beach trip to Rehoboth beach. We went EVERY year and would bring our beloved pup, Rudy with us. Rudy was a miniature schnauzer and he was such a good dog even up until we had to put him to sleep. We had so many great weeks at the beach. Another great memory is gathering at my mother's parents home every year at Christmas and all being together- playing games, taking naps, watching whatever holiday tv was on. 
10. Do you follow a strict food and fitness plan or wing it?
The only things I stick to are these: I try to do some sort of activity 5-6 days per week with running usually being 3-4 of these. If I am training for something particular, my mileage will vary. As for food, I tend to eat pretty darn well (during the summer, often vegetarian) during the week and then on the weekends just go with the flow. Sometimes its pizza, or tacos, or just whatever we have time to make on the weekends. I have beyond enjoyed farmers market shopping all summer and eating wonderful freshness. I might go into a deep depression over the winter when my only options are the stupid grocery store. Seriously!!!
Ok.. so now is the hard part. I have to nominate 10 other bloggers.. well ok so not hard at all. Here goes!

1. Maria @Every Day is a Country Song
2. Katie @ Healthy Heddleston
3. Maria @ Lil Mys Ninja
4. Super Generic Girl
5. Nate @Wags the Runner
6. Jennifer @ The Runners Feet
7. Jill @ Two Yellow Birds Decor
8. Cathy @ Lemon Tree Dwelling
9. Heather @ Better with Veggies
10. Abby@ Back at Square Zero

There you have it ladies.. now go have fun and let me know when you answer so I can come learn 10 news things about you :)

Thanks for playing along and happy Friday!!!


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