But seriously..

Usually I am up and at 'em each morning for my workout. Not today. It was one of those lets see how many times I can reset and snooze my alarm clock. I kept rethinking what I could do if I just gave myself 15 more minutes....  I hate that, anyone else? 

Hubby had to get up early to leave for a training and although I slept ok before, I certainly didn't sleep well after. I should have just gotten up and been done with it.. but it was still dark and I just couldn't do it. 

I was just too cozy in my covers and trying to squeeze in more sleep. Bad idea. But have no fear my friends. My gym bag is packed so dreadmill it is for me after work. 6 miles of either intervals or straight speed for this lady. Just because I was a lazy bum sleepy head this morning does not get me a free pass. I did have a nice 3 mile "recovery run" (that's what I am calling it) on Monday which did feel kind of good after I was done. It only feels right to step it up a little this evening in prep for my lone long run Friday. I am aiming for 12 miles again as this is the last before I taper before race day. Makes me nervous, but I know it is what needs to be done. Next two weeks will be a slower more low-key schedule to allow my body to rest and recover to be at its best come October 20th. 

Oh, and my apologies for these silly pictures.. well no, I'm not really sorry. They are great :) 
Hope you all make it through hump day.. 

Anyone else getting ready to get their taper on (or is it off....) ??


  1. Ha the first pic just made me laugh! :)
    I'm currently tapering for my half in two weeks! :) YAY!

    1. Haha.. glad you enjoyed my silly pictures :) happy taper time!

  2. Good luck with your long run this weekend! It's almost taper time for me too! I have a half October 20th too! :-)

  3. Hope you're enjoying your taper!


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