Inspiration Thursday

I made it back.. for my regular weekly motivation.

For some, food is an enemy. Make good choices, avoid the bad ones, and it can become a friend.

I really like this one. Others walk with you- encourage you- challenge you- help you grow. But in the ends its all you. YOU. You who did all the work and got yourself to where you are.

Awww, well thanks Ryan. You are amazing.

When put this way, can you find an excuse good enough to NOT work out? 

As I mentioned earlier, its been a little bit of a rough week running-wise for me. But getting my YOGA and ROLL on has been pretty nice. No pressure to run fast, long, or otherwise.I do miss running but I know that it is best to limit my running before my half next weekend (HOLY CRAP BATMAN!!). It is for the best and I know my body will be ready to go Saturday for 8 miles. 

Hope you are all having a good week and are gearing up for a great weekend!!


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