SweatGuru launches today!

As a proud sweat pink ambassador, I got the chance to check out the info on SweatGuru a little early and just have a few little things to say.

First and foremost I applaud the Jamie and Alyse, co-founders, for the amazing idea behind this new website.

Whether you are a fitness instructor or just love to take classes, this website is a win-win for you. As an instructor you can list your classes to attract new peeps as well as allow those who are regulars book and pay for their classes in one easy-peasy place online. Yep, that place is SweatGuru. If you like to take classes you can sign up and pay for them online. If you are visiting (or moving to) a new place, you can explore and search classes in your area. Can it get any better??

Seriously. This site is launching in Las Angeles, San Fransisco and New York so if you reside in one of these areas, consider yourself SUPER duper lucky and envied by many (and definitely me).

I don't know how many times I have wished there was an easier way to search for classes in my area and also find out the price and class times. Once again, SweatGuru comes to the rescue my friends in fitness. Seriously, where can you go wrong?

The only thing that could get better is if it would cover (and I know it will some day soon!) my little old town right outside Pennsylvania's capital! Just sayin, ladies :)

In all seriousness, I wish these two awesome ladies (and their small team!!!) the best of luck with this amazing website launch and I hope that if you live in one of the available areas that you use this tool to the fullest extent - I sure would! 


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