So this is how recovery feels..

If you are a runner  (or any athlete really) I don’t have to tell you that once you are on the sidelines with an injury.. when you gradually work back into training.. its an AMAZING feeling.
Case in point: Last night I ran my first full mile on the treadmill and when I finished, I felt incredibly blessed. Scratch that- the ENTIRE mile I felt so happy and overjoyed to be running. I honestly have barely run more than a mile each week since I completed my half in October.  Now don’t go feeling all sad for me because I really could have felt better MONTHS ago if I wasn't such a stubborn idiot who refused to go to the doctors and thought I could heal myself runner. I really thought I could just take some time out, rest and then get back at it.
In reality I had a stress fracture and I am guessing it was a doozy considering I could barely walk the first week or two after my half. Once I realized this, I had one of those “oh.. so that’s why it felt SO bad!!”  I just told my husband and the rest of my family that I was just that badass that I mostly dealt with the fracture and had I really just sat it out a good 4 weeks instead of still trying to run once a week, I may have gotten by without the visit to the docs.
1 PCP appointment and 2 specialist appointments later, I am cleared to get back at it.. slowly. Seriously? Is slowly in any runner’s vocab? Considering I was running 9ish minute miles, I consider a 14 something mile PRETTY slow.
Its cool though, I can still break a sweat and its gradual enough that I don’t feel guilty RUNNING instead of speed walking.
Just sayin. Anyway so that is why I have been posting so few and far between. My hubs also had surgery back in January, followed by me being pretty sick, shoveling more snow than I care to see for a long time. I can’t complain too much because I am finally feeling better and hubs is recouping nicely as well.
I hope you guys are all doing well and really appreciate you hanging in there with me. I am hoping to start increasing posts and have some other things out there I already want to share with you. Its really rough when you can’t do one of the things you love more than anything. I have had fun trying out new things and workouts and definitely plan on incorporating these in as good cross-training but am so glad and grateful to be running (ever so slowly) again.

Talk to you soon!

**** HONESTY disclaimer.. I actually wrote this.. oh a week ago. I wrote it then never got the chance to sit at the computer and copy from my email into a post (work blocks most things so I can write there then add the rest later). I have also coincidentally not gotten to sit and write this week either so I figured I'd still post this beauty for ya!! real-time update to come this weekend!***


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