just barely... Inspiration Thursday!

Just when I think .. "oh hey I will work my booty off Monday so I can do other things the rest of the week" something happens. Last week, work was killer. This week, my body hates me!! Yep, hubs and I both got sick. Anyway, here I am at 11:46pm on Thursday attempting to get a post out there.

One of these days.... sigh.

Fitness *** Ladies you really should stop forcing him to get down on all fours so you can use him as the step for your step aerobics class! Seriously though for some women the more they work out the more their partner may find them attractive. Luckily for the majority of women the men in their lives value them for more than just how fit or slim they are. ***

"The World Change Around You ~ "YOU'VE Watched It Happen ~  So, Why Not CHANGE YOUR LIFE With It?" ... "You Can You Know" ...

Sore ? Tired ? Out of breath ? Sweaty ?Good... It's working.
(sooo true!!!!)

Without a doubt this is as accurate as it can get. Your mind will stop before your body does. Is your mind as fit as your body!?
... totally mental. GET PAST IT and GO!!

Fitness motivation
Anything for you... haha

Fitness motivation

 me aaaaall the time. BUT on the bright side, running then (sometimes) gives me energy for other things!

Well happy Thursday .. a few minutes from Friday :)


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