Running with children

This kid.. I mean. This kid is something else. He will be 7 in a matter of weeks and I hope that he just continues to grow and love life. He is a constant reminder of how many years ago I graduated college (GASP!!!) as my sister was beyond pregnant with this little guy at my college graduation. 

Why am I writing a post about this???

Well. Sunday was Easter and this little guy and I took a 2 mile run together. He took a few quick walk breaks thanks to the beaming sun and us not being able to catch up to my sister and mother who had our water. I take them blame for this one. 

More importantly is this kiddos determination and excitement. He was so stinkin cute the rest of our visit- asking how he did and whether he did a good job on his 2 miles. Every single time and excitedly told him what a rockstar he is. I am amazed at his spirit and perseverance to run with me. I know he was tired at the end ... and HOT and his hair was "sweating" but he did it and did a great job. AND the BEST PART?? He was still smiling at the end (when we took this picture above)

Why is he so excited and determined to run? Well back around Christmas I talked to him about doing a 5k or two with him this summer. Turns out BOTH the 5ks I really wanted to do with him, Color Run, and a local Rock N Glow are the SAME STINKIN SATURDAY. One at 8am, the other at 9pm. As I presented this to him, he seriously gets this wacky look on his face and says "So we can do one in the morning and one at night?" How do you say no to this? I asked him a few times to make sure he really knew what he was getting into (I don't think he does) and signed him up. 

I think our game plan will be walk/run intervals for the Color Run and run as much as we can for the Rock N Glow. My husband and mom will be with us for the Color Run but its just us for the Rock N Glow. Should be interesting for sure. I will be certainly run with my water belt for the Rock N Glow to make sure we BOTH stay nice and hydrated. 

More info to come :)


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