Inspiration Thursday

Feeling like a pretty big blogger slacker this week, but I have good reason. I just switched shifts at work and I am trying to rediscover a decently normal life. Hoping next week to be back to blogging a bit more regularly. For now, enjoy your weekly kick in the pants- reminder why you started and why it is important to keep going.

I need a lot of these so much right now. Coming back from an injury and realizing you won't magically get back to your previous speed an fitness level is a little exhausting. I have to remind myself not to STOP running to take a break just because my BRAIN says so. This is going to be a long journey but I have GOALS that matter more than my mind telling me it is impossible. 

Carry on. Happy Thursday. 


  1. Hi Stellar Sister! I often feel like a big blogger slacker as well. Work changes tend to throw us off:( Congrats on getting a post up:) I nominated you for a Liebster Award. Check it out here:

  2. Hey there!! I thought I already responded.. sorry!! I will work on getting this Libester award posted... on my big long to-do list! hope things are well!


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