
Showing posts from June, 2014

Inspiration Thursday

- non running related edition. So you may (or may not) have noticed I kind of disappeared again last week. I wasn't even posting on IG all that much(pretty unlike me). The reality is I did something really awesome on Tuesday and it kicked my little butt all the way to the weekend! About a month ago, an email went out at work asking for volunteers to help with a playground build in a town about 2 hours away in Scranton, PA. Of course I volunteered!! It was a paid day out of the office to do something super awesome. Needless to say I got chosen and was so super-duper excited. Thanks to weird severe weather, it was rescheduled to Tuesday last week. So how did building a playground inspire me? I work for a medical assistance insurance company that provides medical and behavioral health coverage to low income or no income families across the state. This playground build was for people who live in public housing and fall into this category. A quick look around told me that th...

Why I quit streaking

.. Run streaking that is. I was so gung ho and ready to try this whole Runners World Run Streak from Memorial day through July 4 th .. I really was. Then I was growing continually exhausted. So much so that last week, I called it quits. Running every day, taking no breaks, struggling to get in my cross training really caught up to me. Not only that but I started to get a little bored with my routes and when other things were planned in the evening I found myself panicking trying to figure out when I was going to squeeze in a run. This was not me and I didn’t want to feel the, what came to be, dreadful obligation to run. The fact that I wasn’t taking rest days was not only exhausting my body and mind, it wasn’t allowing my bones and muscles to recoup. As you might remember, I had a stress fracture earlier this year and I don’t think running every day was conducive to remaining injury free for me. My left leg started to have an unfamiliar pain in my lower calf and ...

That time I ran two 5ks in one day

With a 7 year old. Yes. You read that correctly. And let me give you the back story. Back when my family was all together at Christmas, we found out that The Color Run was coming to Hershey, PA (25 minutes from us- YAY!!). I had previously mentioned this to my nephew so we discussed whether he was still interested- he was! I told him I would pay for his entry as part of his birthday gift since the race was about a week and a half after he turned 7. So much excitement. Fast forward a few weeks- I find out that another race that I really enjoyed and my nephew liked the sound of, Manheim Rock N Glow, was going to be that same day but in the evening. I told my nephew the news thinking he would be bummed that we couldn’t do both… nope!! What does he say? “So that means we could do one in the morning and one at night?” I laughed but told him if he really wanted to, we would. I even made him a nifty countdown calendar so he wouldn't have to keep asking and coul...

Inspiration Thursday

I apologize for the lack of posts lately.. you know this little thing called life? Yea, sometimes it takes precedence, but I am back (at least for now!). Without further a due, I present some inspiration! via via via via via Don't quit, keep going, and give it all you've got. I need these reminders like crazy as I move forward with my training and pushing myself to get back to where I was pre-stress fracture. Don't worry, we've got this!!! What is the most difficult part of sticking with your training or eating plan??

KeVita Drinks

At the beginning of May, I got the opportunity to work with KeVita and try out some of their drinks. I have to admit I was I was pretty bummed initially when I found out there was Stevia in a lot of their drinks. I have always been turned off by many products because of this. You see, my body doesn't really agree with Stevia in ways that are terrible and uncomfortable. The good news? Well, KeVita uses ORGANIC Stevia which apparently my body is totally ok with!! So thankful because I would have missed out on all that KeVita has to offer. I only got to try 6 of the flavors offered: Living greens, Mango cocount, Mojito lime mint coconut, Lemon ginger, Strawberry acai coconut, Lemon cayenne daily cleanse. Of these I would have to say my absolute favorite is the Living greens- it is so refreshing and there is just something SO good about it. And this time of year, I am all about refreshing! The flavors with coconut were also pretty refreshing, I am learning to like coconut ...