Inspiration Thursday

- non running related edition. So you may (or may not) have noticed I kind of disappeared again last week. I wasn't even posting on IG all that much(pretty unlike me). The reality is I did something really awesome on Tuesday and it kicked my little butt all the way to the weekend! About a month ago, an email went out at work asking for volunteers to help with a playground build in a town about 2 hours away in Scranton, PA. Of course I volunteered!! It was a paid day out of the office to do something super awesome. Needless to say I got chosen and was so super-duper excited. Thanks to weird severe weather, it was rescheduled to Tuesday last week. So how did building a playground inspire me? I work for a medical assistance insurance company that provides medical and behavioral health coverage to low income or no income families across the state. This playground build was for people who live in public housing and fall into this category. A quick look around told me that th...