Why I quit streaking

.. Run streaking that is.

I was so gung ho and ready to try this whole Runners World Run Streak from Memorial day through July 4th.. I really was. Then I was growing continually exhausted. So much so that last week, I called it quits.

Running every day, taking no breaks, struggling to get in my cross training really caught up to me. Not only that but I started to get a little bored with my routes and when other things were planned in the evening I found myself panicking trying to figure out when I was going to squeeze in a run.

This was not me and I didn’t want to feel the, what came to be, dreadful obligation to run.

The fact that I wasn’t taking rest days was not only exhausting my body and mind, it wasn’t allowing my bones and muscles to recoup. As you might remember, I had a stress fracture earlier this year and I don’t think running every day was conducive to remaining injury free for me. My left leg started to have an unfamiliar pain in my lower calf and ankle area. It feels a little like a tight muscle but something I can’t seem to soothe properly. It feels a little better and then it doesn’t. I am hopeful that in the future I can join in on a streak again- when I don't have big goals for the fall and an injury would be extra horrifying. 

For now, its been fun!! Onto some rest and getting read to delve into my training plan. 

Are you participating? Have you ever stopped a run streak for a similar reason?


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