A Luau and a run 4D

This past weekend I decided to live life the fullest (apparently) and planned to do two 5ks.

The Saturday 5k was one I signed up for about a week and a half ago, based on the SOLE fact that you got a flip flop medal for finishing. Yes, you read that right.

Well I made an excellent choice because this turned out to be a great race. I arrived early to make sure I could pick up my packet. I probably could have gotten there a bit later but I didn't know at all what to expect.

Right after picking up my packet, I headed to the bathroom and took the opportunity to capture this beautiful view and soak it all in.

How can you not fall completely head over heals with a place like this?

Along with deciding to do this run on short notice (for me), I got a co-worker to run with me as well. What makes this even more fun was that I only officially met her the same day I got the notice about the race. I had talked with her quite a few times in the break room at work but never knew her name.

She was a great running partner!

I was so pleasantly surprised that this was a nice trail run. Full of rocks, roots, and nice cool breezes (for the most part). I will hopefully talk some other friends into running this next year as well.

Next up was a much more thought out race entry. Sunday I ran 4D 5k with the motto of running for those who can't. This was a race I had planned to run since the day I found out it was happening.

You see this guy here.. 

He is the one and only Jeff Fazio who has been traveling all over the country in the past year to complete his 50 5ks in 50 states within a year's time. This all transpired over a conversation with his coworker, Dee who has muscular dystrophy and asked him before the race to think of her and the others who can't run. 

And that we all did.

Jeff and Dee.

Anastasia singing the National Anthem with Dee by her side

This race started on the Rails to Trails in Lebanon and ran through one of their community parks. It was a really nice and enjoyable course. I wish I would have had my hat for some added shade and I also apparently missed the water stop. There was an area on the course that a lot of us veered incorrectly to one side and missed it. At least I wasn't alone. 

I have to say that even though I was thoroughly exhausted after two very early mornings and hot, sweaty races, it felt amazing to be out there with the communities that gathered at each of these races. I don't regret for a minute that I did both of these races or that I am STILL exhausted as I write this. 

Do you ever run more than one race in one weekend?


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