Eight Miler

I don't know why, but I couldn't come up with anything more exciting than that for a title. Guess its Monday.

Anyway, that'd what I did Saturday. 8 pretty fantastic miles. I really wasn't sure what to expect when I set out Saturday morning given the week I had.

Tuesday I met a friend to run along the river. At mile 1, I had a stomach cramp SO intense I had to stop. I normally breath through these things and just deal.. not this time my friends. It hurt. It really really hurt. Then I started back up again and focused really hard on breathing.. and I was ok. Then at mile 3.6 I thought I was going to die. Ok. I am exaggerating.. but I was feeling dehydrated to so we walked back to our cars.

Thursday I met another friend to run at Wildwood Park but my ankle/left leg did not want to be there as much as I did. It hurt so bad that I barely made it one lap around the park until I winced back to my car and drove home.

Friday was rest day and I rested hardcore. Iced and elevated like it was my job.

Saturday morning I was up at 7am, got my ankle/leg taped up, and drove to my friend Emily's house. She had 6 on the schedule so I ran 2 warm up miles and then came back to meet her. I was so grateful to have Emily to run with. We have worked together almost 2 years now and I have really enjoyed it. We have quite a bit in common and I really enjoy running by her side. I mentioned before that she is training for her first half in September which we will run together. It is so super motivating to have that person to be accountable to and cheer each other on. I am usually pretty self motivated but it still really helps to have that person when you need it.

On to the run itself. Like I said before, I ran two miles then came back to meet Emily. I got a little water and took my Energybits- the only fuel I needed for this run.

Emily mapped out a nice route through New Cumberland and Lemoyne. The weather was quite warm and humid, but we were really lucky that the sun wasn't BLAZING like we had feared. Don't get me wrong.. we were very much dripping in sweat when we were done. It felt really great and my ankle mostly cooperated.

I was very thankful that this awesome treasure came in the mail on Friday and it really came in handy. I got it on ebay because I got a gift card from Influenster for completing one of their voxbox challenges. (and yea.. please don't judge my Dunkin bag on the floor.. I got an egg white wrap! haha)

How did your week go? Are you training for something? Trying to lose a few or a lot of pounds?


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