I have done the unthinkable

Maybe that is a little dramatic?

Either way what I did Monday night still feels a little crazy and definitely surreal.

So what did I do?

I signed up for my very first marathon.

See?? Holy crap. I mean I have been saying for months I was signing up, but now its really real. I paid the moolah and its officially out there all over that this is my next big running goal. So weird.

And in true nerdy runner obsessed style, I started a pinterest board and plan to make a real life inspiration board in the next week or so as well. I am so incredibly overwhelmed by all the support and advice I have recieved so far and hope you will all follow me through this journey that will be the next 4 months of my life. 

What do you do to mentally prepare to train for a new distance?


  1. Trust in your training and take it a step at a time... sometimes literally. Also know you have some awesome support from myself and a lot of your other running buddies!

  2. Ahhhhh... so excited for you.

  3. Woohoo!! Congrats on taking that massive step!! You can do this. I promise. :)


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