Feeling Squirelly

Just about two weeks ago, I shared that I signed up for Squirelly Tail Twail Wun 13.1. Since then I ran a 10 mile and an 11 mile training with very minimal during the week running. I knew that, regardless, this was going to be a challenging run.

Well yesterday, I conquered this amazing feat. This was a completely awesome experience.

Warming up by the fire barrel pre-run, 

Although, if you had asked me at mile 3 or 4 I might not have felt that way. It definitely took me a while to settle in, especially with the constant twists, turns, and climbs.

This picture does the view no justice

There were SO many ice fishers

How can you not be in awe of the amazing gray-scale scenery? The sun was not shining and I was surprisingly happy about this. I struggled a lot with knowing how to dress because the temps were going to be ABOVE freezing for my first run in a few weeks. I made pretty decent choices and stayed warm enough but not too warm, for the most part. 

Watch your step!

Yep, we crossed an icy stream. This was an adventure in itself. The rocks were small and unsteady so you had to be super careful not to fall in. The last thing I wanted was a soaked COLD foot to run through snow. I passed!

It was kind of cool just running through the woods, in the snow, by myself. I mean, there were some times that I got stuck behind some people and that was ok for a little while. But it felt REALLY good to break free and do my own thing. 

Such as pose for a snowy selfie. I had to. 

In the last few miles, I caught up with another River Runner/Solemate friend. We kind of ebbed and flowed past each other and ended up crossing the finish very close together. My hamstrings were definitely ON FIRE throughout many parts of this run, but I had a great time.

The awesome spread supplied to us


After this picture, Emily and I went back to the car to changed clothes and warm up before getting our final post-run pics by the lake. It was SO cold. Or at least it was when you are wet with sweat and your muscles cannot stop shaking from all the hard work you just endured.

All done! 

Some panorama action so you can somewhat sense the amazing-ness of this place I enjoyed 13.1 miles running ALL over. 

I don't think words can truly express how much I needed this challenge in life. It was so great to do something different. So many thoughts ran through my head during these 13.1 miles, but mostly it was really freeing. During road races, you are always near people. On this trail, I was alone for at least a quarter of it and I was totally ok with that. There were times that I saw no one ahead of me and could hear no one's breath behind me. There is something totally amazing about that. 

It might sound crazy, but I'd totally love to do this one again next year. 

No medals, just this awesome sweatshirt and a car decal!!

Do you ever sign up for a different type of race because of a feeling of restlessness? What about a need for adventure?


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