The journey continues

Dear internet,

This journey of #yogacamp is incredible. I cannot think of a better way to have started out the year than this. You see, lots of other people around the globe (seriously!!) have joined up to journey together through 30 days of yoga. 25 days now I have traveled to my mat and followed through with a practice. There have been days...   where I almost forgot or was feeling lazy or tired. But I showed up!! That's the great thing about a home practice. It is on your time.

The only real difficult thing that might get in your way is you. Sometimes it is really REALLY hard to get to that mat. Even if it just steps away. And that's ok. But it is always worth it. This 25 days of yoga has been pretty amazing. I can't tell you when the last time was that I did something for this many days straight.. well except sleep and eat ;).

The other night my husband even said to me "Your 30 days of yoga is almost over..." and I sadly responded.. "yea it is.." He said "you could do another 30 days." I suppose he is right. Some of my other workouts have definitely taken a back seat and maybe that's not really a bad thing. It has given me a chance to just RUN and YOGA. quite a different perspective. I think one thing I do know is that yoga MUST happen regularly for me. Shorter practices (30 minutes or less) can be done during my lunch break and help me really refocus halfway through the day. They also help me get ready for a run or another workout after work.

All that said... #yogacamp has been pretty eye opening. To strength, mobility, trust, independence, self-love, control, and focus. And so much more. If you haven't been following.. you can always start now. Yoga Camp Orientation is where it all starts.

It is incredible. You will not be disappointed. 


  1. You know, I've been finding myself looking for your Yoga pictures on Instagram... I swear I'm not a stalker ( which is exactly what a stalker would say).... But it seems it has been a very enjoyable experience!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Haha its OK to stalk. This made me laugh. Hope you're having a great week!


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