One Stretch (you need to know)

Back in the fall, when I was in the depths of marathon training, I came across this really sweet product called One Stretch on twitter of all places. I was intrigued and reached out to them asking if they would be interested in some feedback. I had been struggling with calf tightness and some pain in my shin area and really wondered if this might be the answer.

Once I received the product in the mail, I tried it out a few times and the stretch felt great. After that, for some reason I set it aside and, although I had great intentions of using it as recommended, it fell by the wayside. I had read the directions and you are supposed to use it 3 times per day, gradually working up your time that the stretch is held. I was struggling with remembering to stick to this. I also read that it may cause additional pain at the 4-6 week point and I freaked out. I was training for my second marathon and figured that I did not want to add any more pain to my already presenting issues. 

Fast forward to January 2016. I started the year with yoga camp (more info here) and decided I would re-try the One Stretch as well. I was in a great routine and complete both yoga and my One Stretch exercises DAILY the entire month.

So what is it, you might be asking??? It is literally this curved step that you stand on each day at varying degrees to stretch your calves. Definitely one of those DUH moments, but this product makes it so simple and easy to stretch and do your body good. As you can see in my pictures you use it by placing the One Stretch one foot length from the wall and you get up on the step. You then stand up against a wall,and place your feet at whichever number feels like a good stretch to you. I liked the intensity so I started at the 2 mark (you can kind of see the number in the next picture).  I usually do three sets of 30 seconds each, with a 1-2 minute break in between. That's all it takes!! You can increase the time up to a minute as you feel better.  

Looking back, I really completely wish that I had sucked it up and made time (so little is needed) to work with the One Stretch back in the fall.  I was having shin pain and sometimes it was just unbearable during training runs. Well guess what my friends?!? That pain is seriously GONE. I have been able to get my running stride back under control and am doing so well in my training group. I have super high hopes that I am going to get my PR of sub 2 for my spring half. This is SO amazing because I have been fighting this pain for about a year and a half off and on. 

While I think the main issue I faced was shin split related, this awesome tool is mostly recommended for issues like plantar fasciitis, heel pain, and other foot issues, this definitely helped me tremendously. After all, the creator, James Amis, M.D., is an orthopaedic surgeon out of Ohio!!! I think he's on to something.

In case you couldn't tell, I really had a great experience with this product and definitely recommend it for anyone with ongoing issues.  Hop on over and check them out for yourself!  One Stretch is a great investment in your lower body health. 

Have you suffered from plantar fasciitis or ankle/heel pain? Have you ever heard of OneStretch? Would you try it?

** I was not compensated in any way for this review other than the product itself to test. All views are my own**


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