Racing through life- Cap 10 miler

I have been such a terrible blogger. I had great intentions of blogging SO much more about my training experiences this spring and it just hasn't happened.  I really need to reset my intentions and plan time to update this blog. I love looking back at my thoughts on training, racing, and running throughout different periods and how can I do that if I am not writing? I do update A LOT over on good old instagram but it's just not the same as blogging.

All of that being said, today I am sharing a local race recap for the Capital 10 miler.

This race was held on Saturday, April 2 2016 and we had the perfect running weather. Well, I like to think so. In all honesty, it was a tad rainy but this really worked to my advantage to keep me cool!

Because it was a local race, a TON of my running group was represented again and we had a blast.

Lets just pretend that my eyes are OPEN!! Holding flat members who were doing double duty racing that morning and didn't make the photo opp,

So I really just had simple goals for this race. Use it as a practice for my goal race, a half marathon later this month. The plan was to to keep my paces between 8:45 and 9 minute mile to see if it is realistic for the half. 

This course is pretty flat and since I was familiar with all of the ins and outs, I was able to just focus on pacing. I felt pretty good for the majority of the race, but around mile 8 or so, I got this annoying stomach cramp that I was never fully able to relieve and it did take a toll on my breathing. While I didn't get the kick in pace I had hoped for at the end, I was so beyond happy with my race. I kept pretty stable pacing and finished strong. I finished at 1:30:33 with an 8:57 pace overall for 10.12 miles. My official time was the same, unfortunately they put me at a little higher pace because it didn't account for the little extra. BUT- the great news is that I was on perfect pace to make an under 2 hour half in a few weeks. Another piece of incredible news is that I beat my time last year from this race.. by at least 5 minutes. That is progress my friends. 

Great photo from a friend around mile 4 or 5?

I burst into tears at the finish- SO MUCH HAPPINESS!!!

Oh, just trying to be fancy

I could go on for days about the emotions I felt at the end of this race, but I will save my other insights for another day- please hold me to this!!  I have worked my ASS off this training cycle and have had so much pain fun doing it with the crew at Fleet Feet Mechanicsburg and wouldn't have it any other way. But seriously more on this later. 

Who is racing this spring, any PRs? Where are you racing??


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