3rd Annual Double Header

I am so terribly at blogging lately, it is a shame. I think I am at the computer typing so much for work, that I often have no steam left for much else. Maybe I just start talking to the computer and it can type for me.. that's a thing, right?


A few weeks ago, I did my third year in a row of doing The Color Run Hershey in the morning and Rock N Glow 5k in the evening. It never fails to be a fun (but tiring) day.

This year, my ENTIRE family got to join us + a friend of my mom's who joined us last year too.

To say I was thrilled that we got to do this is easily the understatement of the year. From my dad down to my not-quite 1 year old nephew, I think I can say we all had a nice time. We were supposed to do this last year.. however, the not-quite 1 year old, was not quite.. well. born yet!!!

TCR Hershey had some sweet props this year.. including this HUGE pineapple.. you know I had to get my picture


Needless to say.. fun times!!

I just have to share this one too.. I do plan on buying some of the official pics.. but this is too funny!!

The evening race was definitely one to remember!! As soon as we got in the car and on the highway, it started to rain. We spent the time before the race sulking that we were going to have to run in the (very cold) rain!! I kept telling my nephew that it would really make him a rockstar to run in the rain. This is nothing new for me to run in the rain, but he never has for any length of time.

We pouted a little..

Even though he is smiling here...

Then we waited under cover to stay dry until the race started at 9pm. At about 8:50, some people started to head to the start line so we decided we should too. And wouldn't you know it?? It stopped raining... and just felt like a big scck of humidity!! I told my nephew to set the pace and we quickly headed out around the "slower" folks in the crowd. The humidity quickly got the best of him, but he sure did rock this race. He set a PR (again!!) coming at 31:51. I not-so secretly was hoping we would make it under 30 minutes this year, but the in the humidity that wasn't happening. Every year, this kiddo makes me so proud. I really do wish he lived closer to I could take him out running once each week, but that's not an option.

I was rocking my awesome Tasc Performance tank and shorts and they were amazing!!
My shirt was completely drenched when I was done, but I still felt great and didn't feel like a wet slob- just keeping it real.

Rock N Glow is a great local race that draws quite an incredible crowd. I have done it 4 years in a row now and have enjoyed each one. They do a great job organizing and they are always great with having plenty of water at the stations and great treats afterwards!

Always a great day and we go to bed nice and exhausted!!

Do you have certain races you do year after year with family? 


  1. OmG! I forgot to tell you !! I am so jealous of your double 5Ks!! I looked up this glow run, but that day I just didn't feel like driving to Lancaster for the race. One day I'll be as cool as you and do two 5Ks in one day!

    1. Thanks Ana!! It is always such a fun day.. and racing with my nephew is a great experience :) Totally worth the little drive up there!


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