Happy Global Running Day!!!

Today I am joining a link up over at Jonesin' for a Run for Global Running day. For some reason, this year I am so much more excited for it.. maybe that's because I am off work and get to enjoy local events!!  So here's how this is going to go.. I am going to answer some questions and then I challenge you to do the same :)

Why do you run?
Initially I ran for the challenge. How far could I make it? Could I really complete a 5k? But now? It is SO much more. I have met some of the most incredible friends as part of the running community and this makes me feel so much more whole. It was like this part of my life wasn't complete until I entered the running world. It is stress relief, social, and a way to get out of the house and have major me time.
How do you plan to celebrate National Running Day?
Since I am posting this ON the day.. here is what I have done so far. I actually already ran 4 miles earlier in downtown Harrisburg with a super awesome group of 80 people or so with Fleet Feet Mechanicsburg at 12:15pm today. Pretty sweet experience to kind of mob the city as we celebrated together.
(thanks to Fleet Feet for the sweet pic!!)
How many miles have you run so far this year? Do you have a mileage goal for the year?
According to my Garmin connect account I am at 493 miles for the year. At the end of the day today, I will hit 500!!! That's so incredible to think I have put in that much mileage already. I will hit at least 1000 miles this year knowing I am about to head into 50k training!!
What big events do you have on the race calendar so far this year?
Oops. I guess I already answered this one. So in the spring, I was training for a half marathon and so badly wanted to get under two hours. Although my plan was derailed at mile 7, I still made it back to the 2:02 range for the first time in two years (after an injury) and I thought I was going to LOSE it from pure happiness. The goal to #sub2orbust will continue for another half this fall in Harrisburg (local) in addition to my super big goal to complete a 50k and become an ultramarathoner!
Before I leave for a run I must have:
Flip belt, garmin watch, brooks shoes, and my sunglasses!! If it's a long run (over 8-10 miles) I must have huma gels and water.
Do you track your runs? If so what do you use?
Absolutely... I have a Garmin Forerunner 230 and a vivosmart (to track overall steps). I love being able to look back and see my paces, distance, and routes (especially on days I run somewhere new).

Who is your favorite running partner?
I have so many!!! Like I mentioned above, I have met so many wonderful people that I enjoy running with. This list expanded by a few people this year too, when I joined the training group back in January. A group of 4 of us were deemed OCD triangle because of our incessant need to know specific paces we should be hitting so we could obsess over doing just that. We are quite the power team of encouragement and friendship.

What races have you run so far this year?
Since 2016 started, I have done pretty well so far with races. I have run a trail half (in ice and cold water puddles), a 10k at St Patty's day, a 10 miler that supported local art organization, and OCMD half marathon. I have 3 races coming up in the next two weeks and I cannot wait to hit the trails more in preparation fro the 50k.

If you have to give someone one piece of advice about running, what would it be?

NEVER GIVE UP!!! And also, finding a buddy either in real life or on social media who inspires you. This will keep you going and remind you to get out there. 

Describe your relationship with running in one word:


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