
Showing posts from July, 2016

That time I ran a mile...

Ok, I know what you’re thinking.. “Who cares? You run long all the time and a mile is no big deal.” And I guess to an extent, you’d be right. Except when it is. When you run all out and give it your all. When you think yours legs are going to fall off, your lungs are on fire, and you can’t stop coughing when you are done. source Last night was the 35 th  annual Harrisburg Mile and my first time participating. Last year I watched and was blown away by the incredible speed of elite and every day runners alike. Absolutely incredible.  I decided to do it this year for two reasons. The first was to challenge myself since I have never really “raced” a mile. I mean, I know we all had to do the dreaded mile in school and I always suffered so hard through that since I couldn’t run to save my life. The second reason, of course, involves swag. I think I have mentioned before that our local Fleet Feet Store threw out a challenge to do so many of 7 local races- this was one...

A 10k and a 15k crossed the road...

Holy cow, my friends!! Can you believe July is over halfway finished already? ( source ) It has been a busy summer already and considering I have another race coming up tonight, I thought maybe I should write about the last two. The first was all the way back on July 2 and it was a FREE 10k. This is the third or fourth time I have done this race and I always enjoy it. I completely appreciate that it is free and especially enjoy it because it is in my hometown. I spend the night prior at my parents and this year that meant extra time with my sister and her crew.  My mom has also walked the 5k option the past few years as well so she waits for me at the finish line. I love being able to share an event with my mom who also enjoys being active and does all kinds of amazing things to do so!!  part of the River Runners crew pre- race large, more complete group post-race This year was a little different though since I actually placed in my age group for ...

Water you waiting for?

See what I did there? But seriously, today I want to share with you what is easily my new favorite water bottle. If you ask my husband, he would probably tell you I have said that a LOT over the years.. like A LOT A LOT. In our house, we have a major water bottle issue. I can't help it. This girl loves to drink water on the go.. or even tea and occasionally an iced coffee. the quest for the PERFECT water bottle is not one to be taken lightly. Is it light enough? Is it portable? Does it seal well enough so that it won't leak or spill? So many questions.. see? Up until now, I never thought that questioning whether it would really stay cold for HOURS in my hot car while I run my miles was actually legit. Enter  Hydro Flask . A friend that I run with frequently always had this bottle to re-hydrate afterwards and bragged of its amazing abilities to stay cold for HOURS. It can even stay cold for up to 24 hours!  Seriously you guys.  I had to find out for my...