That time I ran a mile...
Ok, I know what you’re thinking.. “Who cares? You run long all the time and a mile is no big deal.”
And I guess to an extent, you’d be right. Except when it is. When you run all out and give it your all. When you think yours legs are going to fall off, your lungs are on fire, and you can’t stop coughing when you are done.

Last night was the 35th annual Harrisburg Mile and my first time participating. Last year I watched and was blown away by the incredible speed of elite and every day runners alike. Absolutely incredible. I decided to do it this year for two reasons. The first was to challenge myself since I have never really “raced” a mile. I mean, I know we all had to do the dreaded mile in school and I always suffered so hard through that since I couldn’t run to save my life. The second reason, of course, involves swag. I think I have mentioned before that our local Fleet Feet Store threw out a challenge to do so many of 7 local races- this was one of them. I figured what the heck, why not?
So all day yesterday I was nervous and antsy.. yep all for a silly mile.
I would say I didn’t have a time goal and that I just wanted to see what I could do, but that would be a lie. I really wanted to shoot for 7:30 or close to it. I knew that I should be able to do it, especially knowing that I had just that one mile to complete.
One of my dear running buddies came by and we drove downtown together. We got a spot about at the halfway point which was nice so we didn’t have to walk as far to get to/from the race. We walked over to the course and quickly were greeted by the massive amount of people there to race with us. The website said 1800 were registered and there were likely more than that with day of registration!!
Before we lined up there was some selfie action- obviously, because who can race without taking one first?!?!
I knew when I looked at my watch at 1/4mile, and it said 6:50 pace, that I was probably going to be in trouble.
And that ended up being correct...
Whatever though. I still had an official time of 7:38 which I could not complain about at all. I coughed up my lungs, watched the remaining age groups and the elites.. and then we went and got our beer!!
It really wasn't the best beer I have ever had, not even close. But... I shared it with friends and was able to catch up with some people while we were enjoying them. That is what really matters...
Oh and this...
This view is literally what dreams are made of. How can you not be completely in love with this view? I know there are other views out there than have their beauty too.. but this is mine. I love that I can enjoy this and it is mere minutes from my house.
Have you ever raced a mile? What was your experience like?
I definitely think i'd be nervous to race a mile as well! I have never, and am not even sure how that would go! On the bright side, quickest race EVER!
ReplyDeleteHAHA!! Yes it is quick, but I'd really rather run a half marathon I think. Thanks for visiting!!