Thinking Out Loud Thursday

Today I thought I would try something new. In an effort to get into more regular blogging I am linking up with Running with spoons for some random "thinking out loud."

Sine I do this all the time anyway this should be easy.

So today my random thoughts tend to be about the following:

1. I am hungry. Last night speed work was uncomplicated but sure made me hungry. ALL DAY TODAY. I sat at my desk eating my lunch and as soon as I was done.. felt just as hungry as before I ate. So I went and got a snack of cheese, pepperoni, protein balls, and clementines. Oh yea and a second dang cup of coffee. I rarely have a second cup but today I am dying. DYING.

2. Hoping it doesn't rain before 7pm. I was lucky enough to have someone offer me their treadmill because they are 1-moving and 2- don't really use it. They know I am a ridiculously addicted runner and although I rarely use the treadmill, that sometimes it is necessary. I do have a VERY basic one I bought on facebook yard sale 2 summers ago but this is a super awesome upgrade that I couldn't turn down. Point is- I have some strong men who are also running friends coming later tonight to help me pick it up and get it safely to my basement.

3. Why is it not Friday yet? This has been such a long, painful week for me. The work week started out fast and furiously and so did my headache. It lingered through until part of the way through Wednesday. I was not impressed. It actually wasn't until I came across this link up in my feed that I was reminded that it was in fact still Thursday.

4. Another race weekend coming up!! A local tradition Capital 10-miler is this weekend and I always get excited for local races. It has a later start at 9am and I live 5 minutes away which means a relaxed morning for me. I am excited to see if I can beat or match my time from last year. I ran a 1:30 last year so if I can hit that again I would be completely happy.  And then if I could just run that and 3 more miles and break sub 2 at a half that would be fabulous. Kthanks.

5. Also, I need to get back to the trails. While looking back for the awful picture above.. I came across some awesome pics

Definitely need to make it back the next chance I get. All this racing has been fun but has left no time or energy for any trail running on the weekends!!

So I guess that's about it for this round. Hoping to make this a regular thing.. wish me luck!!


  1. I love local races, because you don't have to get up at the crack of dawn :) Have fun.

    1. I couldn't agree more!! Thanks for stopping by :)


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