Self-care Saturday

The past two weeks I haven't posted a single blog entry again. I am not falling back off the blogging wagon. At least I am TRYING not to. I was doing well. I planned out Monday afternoons to sit and write, to get posts ready for the coming week. The last two Mondays have been busy and I didn't get that time. It is clear that if I don't set aside time, it won't get done. You see... between work, running, taking care of household stuff and trying to make sure I still give myself time to rest and relax... there isn't always much time left at the end of the day sometimes. That being said, I wanted to reflect a little on the self-care idea. I have learned that if I don't do something regularly for me.. just me.. it is not good. I am not talking lavish spa days or even a trip to the salon. Sometimes its just eating a really well balanced meal, others it might be taking time to paint my toenails, or even just taking time to putz around in the garden outside. The...